It is important that we have a healthy altitude toward God. We should be APPRECIATIVE of what Jesus did on the cross for us, that He shed His precious blood to obtain forgiveness of sins, including future sins, for us. This forgiveness is not to be ABUSED. The question is, do we live right before the Lord and see how we can please Him OR do we live just for ourselves and see what wrongs we can get away with? It is the latter altitude that is NOT healthy. Those whom are trying to get away with wrongs are at risk in going too far, ABUSING God's grace, and sinning WILLFULLY. If you insist on doing something wrong, stick your tongue at God and says I going to do it even when you know it is wrong (sin WILLFULLY), expect God to wave His hand at you and watches you leave His kingdom. Why would He wants you in His kingdom after you shown contempt and disrepect to Him? If you have a wrong altitude toward God, that is, seeing how much wrongs you can get away with, you should be worried about going too far. Repent of this wrong altitude and live right before the Lord. If you walk with the FEAR OF THE LORD, you will never be close to ABUSING God's grace. If you have a correct altitude toward God, that is, trying to please Him. Just continue to know, love, and serve Him. His love for you is far greater than you could love Him. He will say that person, namely you, love Him and He will make sure that He does not lose you. And He will bestow extra grace to help you endure temptations and other snares of the devil. If you do not have a devotional time, I exhort you to have one and develop the relationship even further with God. ********** © Copyright 2018